The Positivity Place

The Positivity Place

Paws for a Moment: How Music Can Calm Your Pets

Sep 18, 2024

In 2016, Noel Edmonds made headlines with the launch of Positively Pets, the world’s first radio station designed exclusively for animals. While some sceptics raised their eyebrows, Noel’s furry (and feathered) fans wagged and purred with approval. It might sound odd, but the science agrees! Studies show that music can significantly reduce anxiety in pets, helping them stay calm when left alone. Who knew your dog might have a soft spot for reggae?


The Science of Chilled-Out Pets

Several studies have proven that music can have a calming effect on animals, just like it does for humans. One study showed dogs in shelters exhibited lower stress levels when exposed to classical music. But here’s the fun twist: dogs love reggae! A study by the University of Glasgow found that soft rock and reggae led to the most relaxed behaviour, with dogs becoming notably calmer. It seems Bob Marley’s chill vibes translate perfectly to our four-legged friends. Who could blame them?

Cats also respond to music, especially tunes that mimic the soft rhythmic beats of a purring heart. Turns out, it’s not just humans who enjoy a laid-back melody. Even your cat could be a hidden music connoisseur!


Why Music Works for Pets

Pet owners often leave music on when they’re out of the house, and for good reason. It provides:

  1. Soothing Anxiety: Music creates a sense of calm for pets suffering from separation anxiety.
  2. Blocking Out Noise: Traffic and thunder can scare pets, but music drowns out these sudden sounds.
  3. Creating Routine: Pets love routine, and playing the same music helps signal that everything is normal.
  4. Keeping Them Busy: Music can entertain pets, preventing boredom (and potential destruction!).


Positivity Radio for Pets: The Purrfect Companion

This is where Positively Happy Pets shines. With a mix of calming classical tunes and natural soundscapes, it’s the perfect background for your pets when you’re out. Plus, it’s commercial-free — no unexpected loud ads to scare your pet mid-nap!


Pets Make Us Happy, So Let’s Return the Favour

We all know how much joy our pets bring into our lives. Their love lowers our stress, makes us laugh, and even boosts our health. So why not give them a little something back? Playing Positively Happy Pets ensures they have a soothing environment while you’re away, which means a happy reunion when you return.

Isn’t that music to your ears? 🎶🐾

Do you have a pet with a favourite tune? Let us know! We’re all ears… and tails.

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